Friday, September 30, 2011

It's Called 'Facebook', Isn't It?

Yea, yea, Facebook did it again, and guess what...? They about to do it AGAIN!!!

Out of the many things in life we could complain about, the focus as of late has been Facebook changes. Why, you might ask. I have absolutely no idea!! I personally have much more to do in life than worry about what a social networking site is changing and whether or not they will begin to charge for the use of their network site. If I choose not to pay, then I'll cancel. Just as simple as that.

Nevertheless, some have taken it to the status updates and elsewhere to complain about the new changes Facebook has recently made with the "stalk at your will" new design. Personally, I think Facebook has made the changes that others have been wanting to see anyway! Think about the many times you have seen pop-up on your timeline from friends' status updates that say, "See who is looking at your profile!" Who is looking at my profile??? Are you serious!!! You added them as a friend on a NETWORKING site where you share your information!!! Isn't that what they are SUPPOSED to do??? Mmmmkay...that one really troubled me as you can tell. But seriously, if you are worried about who may be looking at your profile, you have totally missed the class on 'Social Networking Sites 101'. If you thought by adding people, they would just stick to looking at their own profile... Well there just isn't any help for you, is there?

But never fear... Facebook is about to stick it to you again with even more updates and changes that make stalking your favorite friend even easier!!! *Crowds cheer and applaud* Soon Facebook will be integrating a newer platform that will track your very life as you have posted it on Facebook. You can read more detailed information on the pending changes HERE. But for those who want the quick and dirty, allow me to break it down for you...

1. The profiles will go from having one main column and two smaller columns on either side, to having two main columns with boxes of videos, photos, map locations and everything else you choose/chose to share with Facebook in the past, present and future. Think of it as a scrapbook of your life for all to see :)

2. You will have the option of selecting a cover photo for your life....err ummm I mean profile. At the top of your profile currently, there are five small boxes made of pictures you posted of yourself, or pictures others chose to tag you in unwillingly. That will be replaced by one large photo of your choosing which will act as a header to your profile. Choose wisely...

3. Because of all the information Facebook will be sharing about your life and your postings, other interested parties will be prompted to stalk your page more than previous times. Never fail to remember that you always have the option of deleting those individuals that you do not want intimately involved in your day-to-day affairs. All the power you'll need in your index finger to point and delete!

That is all! That's my spill and updates on Facebook. Feel free to comment at your will and share links and what have you. But remember above all else... there have been NO reports that Facebook will begin charging. So please do not fall prey to those status updates that tell you that you need to copy and paste some status telling others how Facebook will begin charging and if they fail to copy and paste the same, they will be charged for the entire life of their time on Facebook.

Should Facebook decide to charge and you do not wish to be charged, remember the power you have in your index finger and delete your profile! VOILA!!!

Have a fun-filled and blessed day! And SMILE!!! Someone needs to be infected by your infectious smile ;)

Subsequent reading: Facebook Aiming to Take Over Our Lives with Media App Integration

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